__.Mag Interview..

We started off with the usual standard, easy to answer questions for Mag..

-> Fansite: Whats your real name.?
-> Mag: Mark

-> Fansite: Age.?
-> Mag: 24 n 4 months

-> Fansite: From.?
-> Mag: cheshire
-> Mag: or
-> Mag: krypton
-> Mag: depends
-> Fansite: on what.?
-> Mag: on who asks

-> Fansite: How long have you been a member.?
-> Mag: erm....... 18 months
-> Fansite: hah .. how long ya been allowed on tho.?
-> Mag: erm....... bout 10 lol
-> Fansite: 3 weeks.?
-> Mag: days
-> Fansite: lol

-> Fansite: Whats makes you keep logging in.?
-> Mag: well
-> Mag: 6 months ago it was the banter
-> Mag: now its just about gettin runs
-> Fansite: and to see me.?
-> Mag: sure
-> Mag:

-> Fansite: OK, so what game type do you think you're best at.?
-> Mag: 8 ball
-> Mag: pro or non pro

-> Fansite: And what new 'thing' would you like to see in iPool.?
-> Mag:
-> Mag: how honest can i be here.?
-> Fansite: very
-> Mag: over 18 lobby
-> Fansite: but we edit it
-> Fansite:
-> Mag: damn you
-> Fansite: you just shook your fist
-> Fansite: didnt ya
-> Mag: no
-> Mag: I punched my screen
-> Fansite: liar
-> Mag: lol
-> Fansite: haha
-> Mag: j/k
-> Fansite: anything else.?
-> Mag: yea
-> Mag: some sexier mods
-> Fansite: more sexy mods*
-> Mag: thats why i wanna be a mod
-> Mag: make the team look better
-> Mag:
-> Fansite: but
-> Fansite: youre 58 on mingers.com
-> Mag: that was yesterday
-> Mag: gotta be top 20 today
-> Mag: surely
-> Fansite: wd
-> Fansite:
-> Fansite: all proud
-> Mag: i've shown my mum
-> Mag: she was proud
-> Fansite: good
-> Mag: "i have a son on mingers.com"

-> Fansite: Finish this sentence. The current iPool players are.....?
-> Mag:
-> Mag: nit pickers
-> Mag: well most are
-> Fansite: elaborate
-> Mag: mouth off at the most ridiculous of things
-> Mag: Mostly like
-> Mag: Mostly "play me are u scared"
-> Mag: Mostly n
-> Mag: Mostly "ur crap"
-> Mag: Mostly "im tellin a mod"
-> Mag: Mostly when u say ffs
-> Mag: Mostly but seriously
-> Mag: Mostly like 40% are ace to get on with
-> Fansite: elaborate i said, dont ramble
-> Fansite:
-> Mag: Mostly pfffff
-> Mag: Mostly was on a roll.

-> Fansite: And the current Mod team are.....?
-> Mag: well
-> Mag: they do a good job
-> Mag: honestly that is
-> Mag: but..........
-> Mag: there are a select few who go beyond the line
-> Mag: and get away with it
-> Mag: which is wrong
-> Mag: lets leave it there
-> Fansite: ok
-> Mag: dont wanna be banned again lol
-> Fansite: or blow ya mod application
-> Fansite:
-> Mag: exactly
-> Mag: "supermod"

We then moved on to questions sent in via the fansite, gl Mag, you may need it

-> ARCHIE: i hear youve just turned gay an your boyfriend is lcmoney , who's the mummy an the
-> Mag: im the daddy
-> Mag: in any relationship
-> Fansite: and Lukes ok with that.?
-> Mag: yea
-> Mag: but
-> Mag: he wears the pants
-> Mag: i just wear skirts
-> Fansite: seems fair
-> Mag: ye, he does alot of givin
-> Mag:

-> LcMoNeY.: Why do you steal half of your phrases from me? You know its true so dont deny it
__.and just give a reason.?
-> Mag: right here it is
-> Mag: he made up berk
-> Mag: and fanimal
-> Mag: and fugly
-> Mag: but
-> Mag: i turned fugly into fugs
-> Mag: and berk into berkboy
-> Mag: so technically
-> Mag: i didnt steal
-> Fansite: you adapted.?
-> Mag: if ya like
-> Fansite: kinda weak

-> R.I.P_ReVoLuTiOn: What does ADSL stand for.?
-> Mag: ffs ian how can i remember that
-> Mag: 1 sec, google search
-> Mag: dont know
-> Mag: lol
-> Fansite:

-> R.I.P_ReVoLuTiOn: do you think its funny that "igloos" are called "igloos" cos like if an ig lives in
__.a loo , hahaha , yea ill shut up now .bye!
-> Mag: what.?
-> Mag: TAXI

-> xWillowx: Can i have an ice pop.?
-> Mag: no u cant
-> Mag: unless
-> Mag: you give me a cornetto

-> xWillowx: Which do you prefer, sober rach or drunk rach.?
-> Mag: defo drunk rach
-> Mag: for personal reasons
-> Fansite: if ya had said sober
-> Fansite: i'd have said gay
-> Mag: innit lol

-> xWillowx: Do you like it when i explain my dirty dreams to yah.?
-> Fansite: again gay
-> Fansite: careful
-> Mag: of course i do, saves me loggin onto 'a certain website'
-> Fansite:

-> becks42d: when you entered the talent contest with ur m8s as backstreet boys was that ur
__.way of coming out the closet.?
-> Mag: haha becks u muppet, WE SHUD HAVE WON
-> Mag: but no i didnt come out of the closet then

-> becks42d: have you still got your brittany spears doll that u mythered me to get you for
__.christmas.? hope u hav u went on for that lol
-> Mag: for some reason i seem to have lost it
-> Mag: was good for the visuals that doll
-> Mag:

-> becks42d: are you blonde all over because im sick of lcmoney askin me if ur ginger on ur lower
__.half.? just to shut him up like that gunna happen ever please put him out his misery and tell him
-> Mag: well if i could post a picture on the forum i would do
-> Fansite: of little mag.?
-> Mag: mini mag*
-> Mag: but your just gonna have to trust me that i aint ginger down there
-> Mag:

-> xWillowx: Does the carpet match the ginger curtains.?
-> Mag: huh.?
-> Fansite: haha, ppl owful interested in ur bits
-> Fansite: how many ginger questions.?
-> Fansite: class
-> Mag: innit lol
-> Mag: ill dye them ginger for ya's
-> Mag: if it'll shut ya's up
-> Mag:

-> -HaRdCoRe-[-_-]-RaVeR-: night out with the missus (not that anyone would have you) or piss
__.up with ya mates.?
-> Mag: piss up with ya mates
-> Mag: then home, an piss on your missus
-> Mag:
-> Fansite: hahaha

-> -HaRdCoRe-[-_-]-RaVeR-: would you like it rough with a grizzly bear or make love to a rabbit.?
-> Fansite:
-> Mag:
-> Mag: - i think
-> Mag: not sure on that 1
-> Fansite: odd
-> Mag: Yea

-> R.I.P_ReVoLuTiOn: do you have a polish relative.? who is a monk.? called padawan.?
-> Mag: padawan.? isn't that a young jedi in training.?
-> Mag: and no polish relatives for me

-> wot@shot: is it true that u are a cross dresser and u go by the name of magdelene.?
-> Mag: no its not, but i have dressed up as a woman b4
-> Mag: when i did the fun run in high school
-> Fansite: did ya fancy yaself.?
-> Mag: no
-> Mag: i had pink hair
-> Mag: looked rank
-> Fansite: lost respect i never had

-> Mag: Is it true that you are the sexiest beast on ipool.?
-> Mag: weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee didnt think this would make it
-> Mag: yes m8 that is true
-> Mag:
-> Mag: lol

-> dynamite1900: WHY DO U SWEAR ALOT and not get banned.?
-> Mag: because i pay the mods
-> Mag: in kind
-> Mag: here's a question
-> Mag: why do u swear a lot.?
-> Mag:
-> Fansite: ya know hes not really here right.?
-> Fansite: so he cant answer
-> Mag: yea
-> Fansite: ok
-> Mag: just savin SA havin to do typos
-> Mag:

-> R.I.P_ReVoLuTiOn: Why o Why did you show me ur ass on webcam.?
-> Fansite:
-> Mag: erm........ YOU SHOWED ME YOURS 1ST
-> Mag: and 12 bottles of bud takes its toll
-> Fansite: So it was revenge.?
-> Mag: kinda yea

-> Noops: what is the capital of Israel.?
-> Mag: jerusalem.?
-> Noops: the answer of course is I
-> Mag: the answer is what
-> Mag: l.?
-> Fansite: I <-- srael
-> Mag: oh
-> Mag: is it.?
-> Fansite:
-> Mag: close

-> Shirley-Ann: Why you in such a rush to do your interview.? And why you hassle me about it on
__.a daily basis.?
-> Mag: lol
-> Mag: im in such a rush because i was dropped down the list...........harshly
-> Fansite: harsh
-> Fansite: haha
-> Fansite: no u got banned boyo
-> Mag: yea
-> Mag: was harsh lol

Now, the time Mag was looking forward to, We open the table to the lobby.

__.*** Many people join the table, why am I so nervous (GMT) ***

-> NeMeSiS: wots your favorite fruit.?
-> Mag: apples
-> Mag: in a pie

-> R.I.P_ReVoLuTiOn: Whats yer fave bean.?
-> Mag: runner

-> R.I.P_ReVoLuTiOn: What do you think about "moobs".?
-> Mag: isnt moobs a show.?
-> R.I.P_ReVoLuTiOn: no
-> Mag: oh
-> Sir.Mr.Peanut: The Hoobs is a show
-> R.I.P_ReVoLuTiOn: man boobs
-> R.I.P_ReVoLuTiOn: = moobs
-> Mag: man boobs are ace
-> Mag: specially hairy ones

-> LcMoNeY.: hows it feel to be ginger.?
-> Mag: black now son
-> Mag:

-> LcMoNeY.: u ever had a few too many n cant perform.?
-> LcMoNeY.: happens me when i drink whiskey
-> Mag: yes Lc, was class tho
-> LcMoNeY.: did it anyway
-> Mag: only happened on beer tbh

-> D-u-R-e-X: mag is bhavin247 ur lover or summat.?
-> Mag: bhavin247? who is that.?
-> bhavin247: no im his prodigy

-> Sir.Mr.Peanut: That dance on fansite, WTF.?
-> Mag: that dance is legendary now
-> Mag: shows how classy i am

-> TheDrunkenBrawler: mag why do come on here have a go in lobby and leave.? this is a pool
-> Mag: i come on here an have a go cos im tryin to rid the game of goons
-> Mag: tough job tho
-> TheDrunkenBrawler: so your teying to get yourself banned.?
-> Mag: nope
-> Mag: im like kryptonite
-> Mag: and mods are supermen
-> Sir.Mr.Peanut: How many times ya been banned.?
-> Mag: erm.......... 4 i think
-> Sir.Mr.Peanut: How many did i do.?
-> Mag: 2
-> Sir.Mr.Peanut: cool

-> R.I.P_ReVoLuTiOn: how did u feel when you couldnt get that costume to go see that film.?
-> Mag: i was gutted when i couldnt get my superman costume
-> R.I.P_ReVoLuTiOn: lol k
-> Mag: cost £40 tho so i wasnt too bothered
-> LcMoNeY.: does that mean ur a loser.?
-> Mag: i aint a loser pfffffffff

-> Vegas_Boy: did u wear superman dress when u went to watch that movie.?
-> R.I.P_ReVoLuTiOn:
-> Mag: scroll up vegas u plank lol

-> LcMoNeY.: u went away on holidays n didnt pull
-> LcMoNeY.: that true.?
-> Mag: no
-> Mag: you went away on holidays and didnt pull
-> LcMoNeY.: o rite

-> Vegas_Boy: did people laugh at u.?
-> Mag: people laugh at me all the time
-> Mag: strange that tho
-> Mag: given how sexy i am

-> LcMoNeY.: do u think vegas is a prat.?
-> Mag: yes Lc , a big one
-> LcMoNeY.: haha
-> Mag: infact

-> LcMoNeY.: whos gayer me or whitey.?
-> Mag: erm
-> Mag:
-> Mag:
-> VIAGRA: me
-> Mag: gotta say whitey
-> VIAGRA: i wear pink
-> Mag: n white stripes ye

-> LcMoNeY.: do u have ians phone number.?
-> Mag: yes
-> LcMoNeY.: haha
-> Mag: its 0901-594-1919
-> Mag: ask for bertie
-> R.I.P_ReVoLuTiOn:
-> LcMoNeY.: u ever text him and tell him to come on for a game.?
-> Mag: pfffff as if

-> NeMeSiS: favorite drink.?
-> Mag: favourite drink.....................JD n coke
-> NeMeSiS: favorite food.?
-> Mag: JD n coke
-> Mag: haha
-> Mag: nah its pizza

-> R.I.P_ReVoLuTiOn: what are you allergic to.?
-> Mag:
-> Mag: im allergic to ugly birds

-> LcMoNeY.: u think peanuts a bit of a mug.?
-> Mag: yeah
-> Mag: but he knows how i feel
-> Mag:
-> Sir.Mr.Peanut: Yes, yes i do
-> Sir.Mr.Peanut: Thx
-> Mag:

-> Sir.Mr.Peanut: Did you have a teacher at school who was half canned most days.?
-> Sir.Mr.Peanut: Who would show ya her pants for a mars bar.?
-> Sir.Mr.Peanut: I did, she was cool
-> Sir.Mr.Peanut: She got sacked gutted
-> Mag: i remember a teacher in school right
-> Mag: who used to wear mini skirts
-> Mag: so i'd throw me pen on the floor
-> Mag: to take a peak
-> Sir.Mr.Peanut: Like them off of Busted.?
-> Mag: ye
-> Mag: kind of

-> VIAGRA: whats ur fav hand in poker.?
-> VIAGRA: and dnt say ace ace
-> Mag: 10 J suited
-> VIAGRA: mines 8 9 suited
-> VIAGRA: so lucky
-> Mag: ace ace sucks
-> Mag: always lose
-> VIAGRA: ye

-> Sir.Mr.Peanut: Why you so fixated with Napoleon Dynamite.?
-> Mag: cos its the funniest film of last year
-> Mag: and all the lines are legend
-> Mag: geek films are always the best

-> R.I.P_ReVoLuTiOn: curvy or skinny.?
-> Mag: curvy! defo

-> LcMoNeY.: lucy pinder or michelle marsh.?
-> Mag: pfffffff
-> Mag: dont ask me to choose between them
-> LcMoNeY.: i just did
-> Mag: michelle defo
-> Mag: all day lol

-> TheDrunkenBrawler: miram or nadia.?
-> Mag:
-> Mag: nadia

-> Sir.Mr.Peanut: When are you applying for Big Brother like ya said ya would.?
-> Mag: i was gonna apply for BB for this 1
-> Mag: didnt know auditions had already been done

-> VIAGRA: What if i got together with ya mam.?
-> Mag: I would want a large christmas pressy
-> Mag: And large birthday pressy
-> LcMoNeY.: What if i did.?
-> Mag: i'd shoot ya

-> LcMoNeY.: whats ur favorite pizza.?
-> Mag: pepperoni n chicken
-> Mag: smoked chicken that is

-> R.I.P_ReVoLuTiOn: what ya like on toast the most.?
-> Mag: margerine

-> R.I.P_ReVoLuTiOn: can i have an ice pop.?
-> Mag: no ian u cant
-> Mag: they're all mine
-> R.I.P_ReVoLuTiOn: gutted

-> LcMoNeY.: u think peanut shud be admin.?
-> Mag: yea pea shud be admin
-> Sir.Mr.Peanut: You lying cow
-> Mag: whaahaahaaaa
-> LcMoNeY.: why hes useless
-> Mag: cos lets face it
-> Mag: they cant get any worse

-> LcMoNeY.: wud u go with me for a fiver.?
-> Mag: for a fiver
-> LcMoNeY.: ye
-> Mag: no i'd do it for free

__.*** Shirley-Ann boots everyone from the table, sometime (GMT) ***

-> Mag: Thought a mod was gonna press his big red ban button then
-> Fansite: Mines blue
-> Mag: light or dark.?
-> Fansite: Baby Blue
-> Mag: sweet
-> Mag: that it then.?
-> Fansite: Yeah

*** ANNOUNCEMENT --> Fansite has just 'Run-Out' of patience with Mag, table 50 ***

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